Premix Feed Additives

What Are Premix Feed Additives

Refers to a mixture of one or more additive raw materials (or monomers) and carrier (carrier) or diluent (diluent, thinner), also known as an additive premix or premix. The purpose is to facilitate the even dispersion of trace amounts of raw materials in a large amount of compound feed. Premixed feed cannot be fed directly to animals. The pre-mixed feed can be regarded as the core of compound feed because the trace active components contained in it are often the determinants of the feeding effect of compound feed.


Classification of Premix Feed Additives

Single premix feed (single premix) It is a homogeneous mixture prepared from a single additive raw material or a variety of feed additives of the same type and a carrier or diluent, mainly due to the very small amount of certain or certain types of additives used.

Requires primary pre-mixing to be more evenly distributed in bulk feeds. In production, single vitamins, single trace elements (selenium, iodine, cobalt, etc.), multiple vitamins, and multiple trace elements are often prepared separately. Into a single premix, etc.

Compound premix is a homogeneous mixture made by mixing various types of feed additives with carriers or diluents according to the formula and actual requirements. Such as trace elements, vitamins, and other ingredients are mixed.


Which Ones Do I Need

There are many types of pre-mixed feeds, which are divided into broiler pre-mixes, suckling pig pre-mixes, etc. according to feed species, livestock and poultry types, growth stages, and production periods; they can also be divided according to different production and use channels. For commercial premixes, self-prepared "in-plant secondary premixes", and "customized premixes" are produced according to user requirements; however, the most commonly used classification method is still based on the composition of the additives. It is divided into two categories: high-concentration classified premix and composite premix.

The following three types of pre-mixed feeds are commonly used:

1. Compound pre-mixed feed refers to any two or more types of nutritional feed additives in mineral trace elements, vitamins, and amino acids, which are formulated in a certain proportion with other feed additives, carriers, and (or) diluents The content of nutritive feed additives can meet the basic nutritional requirements of the specific physiological stage of the animal. The additional amount in compound feed, concentrate supplements, or animal drinking water is not less than 0.1% and not more than 10 %.


2. Microelement pre-mixed feed refers to a homogeneous mixture of two or more mineral trace elements, carrier, and (or) diluent in a certain proportion, in which the content of mineral trace elements can meet the requirements of the specific physiological stage of the animal. Element requirements, the additional amount in compound feed, concentrate supplements or animal drinking water is not less than 0.1% and not more than 10%.


3. Vitamin pre-mixed feed refers to a uniform mixture of two or more vitamins, carriers, and (or) diluents in a certain proportion. The vitamin content should meet the vitamin requirements of the specific physiological stage of the animal. The additional amount in feed supplements or animal drinking water is not less than 0.01% and not more than 10%.


General-purpose vitamin premix feed (also can be customized according to customer requirements):

1. Raw material composition:
Vitamin A, Vitamin D3, Vitamin E, Vitamin K3, D-Calcium Pantothenate, Niacinamide, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Vitamin C, Folic Acid
2. The effect of vitamins on animal physiology:

Raw material name

Physiological function


Vitamin A

Physiological function: maintain the health of epithelial cells, enhance the resistance of animals to infectious diseases, promote the formation of rhodopsin, maintain normal vision, prevent night blindness, maintain normal growth and repair of bones, and promote growth and development of the body

Growth stagnation, reduced productivity, dry eye disease, weakness, ataxia, night blindness

Vitamin D3

Physiological function: Regulate calcium and phosphorus metabolism, promote calcium and phosphorus absorption, maintain normal growth and development of bones and teeth, and improve eggshell quality

Rickets, rickets (young animals), osteoporosis, thin-shelled eggs, slow growth, and reduced hatching rate of breeding eggs

Vitamin E

Physiological function: maintain normal reproductive function, prevent muscle atrophy, have antioxidant effect, and have a synergistic effect with selenium

Reproductive dysfunction, chicken encephalomalacia

Vitamin K3

Physiological function: Promote the formation of prothrombin and maintain normal clotting time

Vomiting, reflex angle, bleeding of muscle mucosa, delayed clotting process

D-Calcium Pantothenate

Physiological function: prevent anemia, poor feather growth, reduced reproduction rate, and other diseases, and reduce embryonic mortality

Muscle twitching or spasm, digestive disorders, dermatitis, sparse fur, dry scab-like diseases in the corners of the chicken mouth and chicken parts


Physiological function: it is the prosthetic group of coenzyme A, participates in the conversion of the acyl group, prevents skin and mucous membrane lesions, prevents reproductive system disorders, increases egg production rate, and reduces embryonic mortality

Muscle twitching or spasm, digestive disorders, dermatitis, sparse fur, dry scab-like diseases in the corners of the chicken mouth and chicken parts

Vitamin B1

Physiological functions: regulate carbohydrate metabolism, maintain normal functions of nerve tissue and heart, maintain normal intestinal motility, maintain fat absorption in the digestive tract and enzyme activity, increase animal appetite, and prevent neurological diseases

Loss of appetite, polyneuritis, fatal

Vitamin B2

Physiological function: Coenzyme for protein metabolism, related to the formation of red blood cells

Curl toe paralysis, paralysis of limbs, diarrhea, decreased egg production and hatching rate

Vitamin B6

Reorganization function: Promote growth, and increase hatching rate and egg production rate. It is a component of certain enzyme systems involved in carbohydrate and protein metabolism and can prevent poultry claw paralysis.

Excitement, loss of appetite, growth retardation, neurological disorders, reduced hatching rate

Vitamin B12

Physiological function: Coenzymes of several enzyme systems, promote choline, and nucleic acid synthesis, promote red blood cell maturation, prevent pernicious anemia, and promote the growth of young animals

Reduced feed protein utilization rate, growth retardation, pernicious anemia, embryonic death

Vitamin C

Physiological function: strong reducing agent in the body, participates in the formation of procollagen, plays an important role in the composition of body tissues and bone calcification, is related to hormone synthesis, prevents the occurrence of stress disorders, and improves disease resistance

Livestock and poultry are not obvious, fish may have bleeding

Folic Acid

Physiological function: It is a component of several coenzymes involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins, maintaining the health of the skin and nerves, and promoting the function of the digestive system

Growth retardation, anemia, rough fur, reduced hatching rate, and neck paralysis of young birds


A. Vitamins are a group of low-molecular organic compounds with different chemical structures and different nutritional and physiological functions. Its main function is to control and regulate metabolism, participate in collective immune response, and improve immune function.
B. The lack of any kind of vitamin will cause the animals to grow retarded, reduce their production performance, weaken their disease resistance, and even die.
C. Vitamin nutrition and immune function are complex and interrelated. If one of them is lacking, many metabolic pathways will be interrupted. The syndrome often occurs when vitamins are lacking. It is not appropriate to quickly determine which one is lacking. Sufficient amounts of various vitamins can be added for a long time during normal feeding to avoid vitamin deficiencies.


Polifar Premix Feed Additives Make Differences

Products are derived from user needs

In pig production, with the continuous improvement of pig breeds, the farrowing rate and growth rate have been increasing, but the feed-to-meat ratio has not improved significantly. The slaughter weight has grown from 100 kg to over 120 kg today, and even larger weights are slaughtered. The pig raising and consumption habits have undergone tremendous changes, so the original feeding habits are not reasonable enough, and the nutrition is not accurate enough.

POLIFAR GROUP closely integrates the actual production of pigs, applies the latest feed science and technology achievements, and after a large number of tests, we have summarized our unique nutrition system and feeding procedures to help farmers achieve efficient pig-raising goals.


POLIFAR high-efficiency nutrition program for commercial pigs

POLIFAR GROUP is committed to providing valued products to farmers. In the core stage of pig raising-breastfeeding, teaching trough, nursery, and piglet, it has made its product characteristics, to nurse the "40+10" exclusive nursing plan, and cooperate with the "fattening" "Three treasures" (Little Pig, Middle Pig, Big Pig), strongly create POLIFAR pig nutrition and high-efficiency program.

Product code: Speech Po

1) Fast feeding: high-filtration and strong feeding-inducing raw materials, scientifically compounded to promote feeding; 
2) Anti-attack: All raw materials are pre-treated with advanced technology to improve palatability, increase success rate, and reduce increase rate; 
3) Nourishment: Use micro-ecology, sugar, and yeast fermentation to cultivate the combined flora to promote health. 
Applicable stage: 
Induction to the first 2 weeks after weaning 
1) Good food attraction, anti-fatigue, no fat loss 
2) Healthy and good overall 
3) Daily gain up to 0.25KG/day

Product code: Baoyubao 10


1) Scientific selection of raw materials: the scientific combination of raw material structure realizes the effective transition from high-grade raw materials to corn and soybean meal-based diets;

2) Promote intestinal health: add enzyme preparations to make digestion and absorption more thorough, and add lactic acid bacteria to adjust the balance of intestinal flora;

3) Improving immunity: adding immune nutrients such as plant extracts to enhance immunity.

Applicable stage:



1) Large feed intake, increased by more than 10%

2) Effectively connect the conversion of nursery feed and piglet feed

3) Fast growth rate and high-cost performance

Product code: Zhongzhubao


1) Long and round body: to extend the nutritional foundation of the piglet stage and promote growth;

2) Feed intake continues to increase: removing low-quality carriers and using fermented raw materials, the palatability of pigs is good;

3) Grow fast and have strong disease resistance: the combination of immune polysaccharides and complex enzymes can improve immunity and digestibility.

Applicable stage: 



1) Nutrition in the piglet stage, a faster growth rate

2) The feed-to-meat ratio is within 2.6, high return, and the profit of breeding is under control

Product code: Baoyubao 40


1) Realize a balanced transition: Good connection with the structure of the raw material of the teaching trough, to achieve a smooth transition after the piglet is weaned;

2) Solve nutritional diarrhea: add amylase, protease, and other enzyme preparations to make digestion and absorption more thorough, and add lactic acid bacteria to adjust the balance of intestinal flora;

3) Improving immunity: adding immune nutrients such as plant extracts to enhance immunity.

Applicable stage:



1) Free intake, no diarrhea

2) Daily weight gain is 0.5KG, average feed-to-meat ratio is 1.45

3) Healthy intestines and good uniformity

Product code: Xiaozhubao


1) Precise nutrition: Provide a variety of energy sources, add high content of lysine, use amino acid balance technology, preferably B vitamins, use emulsified oil powder, strengthen energy balance, and grow strong;

2) Nutritional balance: use the theory of nutritional balance to avoid nutrient waste and reduce the ratio of feed to meat;

3) Disease resistance: Add functional oligosaccharides and plant extracts to promote immunity.

Applicable stage: 



1) High energy and high amino acid nutrition, long and fast

2) Pull out the skeleton, good body shape

3) Intestinal health, promote fattening in the later stage

Product code: Big pig treasure


1) Enriched energy sources: use energy raw materials such as puffed soybeans and fat powder to enhance energy nutrition;

2) Good body shape: Based on high amino acid nutrition, plant extracts are added to promote the deposition of lean meat and improve body shape;

3) Good meat quality: fortified vitamins, while using organic trace elements, the meat is bright red.

Applicable stage:



1) Long and fast

2) Low material ratio

3) Good meat quality

Certifications Of Premix Feed Additive

Related Polifar Product
Color: white 
Material: formic acid 
Sales Models: wholesale 
Min Order: 20mt 
Shelf Life: two years when properly stored 
Packing: net 25kg/50kg/1000kg/1200kg/1250kg in Plastic woven bags with PE lining 
Storage: stockpiled at the ventilated place, avoiding rain, moisture and insolation. Please handle with care to prevent bag damage, store away from toxic substances.
Color: white 
Material: rock phosphate 
Sales Models: wholesale 
Min Order: 20mt 
Shelf Life: two years when properly stored 
Packing: net 25kg/50kg/1000kg/1200kg in Plastic woven bags with PE lining 
Storage: stockpiled at the ventilated place, avoiding rain, moisture and insolation. Please handle with care to prevent bag damage, store away from toxic substances.
Color: white 
Material: rock phosphate
Sales Models: wholesale 
Min Order: 20mt 
Shelf Life: two years when properly stored 
Packing: net 25kg/50kg/1000kg/1200kg in Plastic woven bags with PE lining 
Storage: stockpiled at the ventilated place, avoiding rain, moisture and insolation. Please handle with care to prevent bag damage, store away from toxic substances.
Color: white 
Material: rock phosphate
Sales Models: wholesale 
Min Order: 20mt 
Shelf Life: two years when properly stored 
Packing: net 25kg/50kg/1000kg/1200kg in Plastic woven bags with PE lining 
Storage: stockpiled at the ventilated place, avoiding rain, moisture and insolation. Please handle with care to prevent bag damage, store away from toxic substances.
Color: white 
Material: rock phosphate 
Sales Models: wholesale 
Min Order: 20mt
Shelf Life: two years when properly stored
Packing: net 25kg/50kg/1000kg/1200kg/1250kg in Plastic woven bags with PE lining
Storage: stockpiled at the ventilated place, avoiding rain, moisture and insolation. Please handle with care to prevent bag damage, store away from toxic substances.
If you need food ingredients, feed additives, or feed premix, please feel free to contact us. We have an excellent technical team, which can be designed according to customers' requirements.
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    Food Additives:86-25-84431783
    Logistic Department: 025-83460850
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    Food Additives:
  • Head Office: Room 512, Building B-1, Greenland Window Business Plaza, No. 2 Jinlan Road, Jiangning District, Nanjing

    Guangzhou Branch Office: Room 801, Deshun Building, No. 70, Huizhi 3rd Road, Panyu District, Guangzhou
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